From January 31, 2025, all goods imported from the EU to Great Britain will require a Safety and Security Declaration (ENS).
At cargo-partner, we believe that our people are our greatest asset. This year, we’re honoring our long-standing employees worldwide – some of whom have been with us for an incredible 40 years!
SPOT is a supply chain visibility and collaboration platform streamlining all processes along the supply chain, from order placement to production, transport and logistics, warehouse management and final delivery.
PrijavaDa bi zagotovili hitre in učinkovite rešitve ter dolgoročni uspeh skupine, strank in zaposlenih ter panoge, poenostavljamo vse procese vzdolž celotne oskrbovalne verige ter se usmerjamo na zagotavljanje kakovosti in trajnostnega napredka.
Postopek nenehnih izboljšav v celotni skupini temelji na zavezi strankam, strasti do inovacij in trdni veri v ekonomsko, ekološko in družbeno trajnost. V celoti je integriran z vrhunskimi IT-sistemi, podkrepljen pa je z državnimi in mednarodnimi certifikati ter članstvi v globalnih mrežah.